Cchange Blog

Hello again!

Are you feeling lost in the world of digital marketing? Don’t worry, I’m here to help! With my 20+ years of experience in manufacturing, supply chain, procurement, data analytics, and industrial/electrical distribution, I can provide expanded support and value to your existing team by helping you create a social media presence that truly works for you.

From marketing content to value-based messaging, blogs and white papers, SEO/SEM/GMB, research projects, branding, remarketing, strategic positioning, and outcome mapping, I’ve got you covered. Using data and creative campaigns, I’ll help you develop a plan that suits your needs and helps you reach your goals. Don’t let digital/social marketing overwhelm you – let me help you take control and make it work for you!

Unsure how to leverage your social media presence?  Don’t have a social media presence?  I can lay out a plan based on data and creative campaigns that covers functional areas such as:

  • Marketing content
  • Value-based messaging (your competitive advantage)
  • Blogs and white papers
  • Research projects
  • Branding
  • Remarketing
  • Strategic positioning
  • Outcome mapping



Key Concepts
Let's Get Started

Thinking about the next step?  I like to get a conversation started through a process I call a “design workshop”.

Key Concepts

User Testimonial

User testimonial
Jessica Simon

I have been following this routine and became healthier by doing lorem ipsum proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet aenean.

What is "Cchange"?

To “see change”, or the idiom “sea change”

Substantial Change


Rich and strange

Perspective shift

Make Friends + Solve Problems

© 2009-2025 Jonathan McLane. All Rights Reserved.